Xgate indoor tracking system

Xgate revolutionizes factory management with simple remote monitoring of facility conditions like on/off, pressure, power, and temperature. Supports diverse protocols for easy integration.


Challenges include integrating existing systems, managing large-scale data, resource limitations for cloud solutions, and a shortage of expertise in advanced tools.


Xgate offers seamless integration for industrial automation, optimizes data for smart decision-making, facilitates cloud adoption, and empowers users with a user-friendly interface to enhance operational efficiency.


Discover Xgates versatile capabilities, offering customizable features that enhance asset management efficiency and reliability.


Versatile Logging

Simplified logging network with RDL Data Logger's versatile features

Paperless Production

Paperless production environment with production count and rejection tracking.

Real-time Insights

Real-time machine availability and downtime insights

IT Integration

Streamlined management through IT integration.